Saturday, March 24, 2012

Week 7

This weekend/Spring Break I will be completing my concentration. Today I am going to take pictures of chickens, displaying how we depend on them for food (eggs).

Friday, March 16, 2012


Joe McCally

"Every other artist begins with a blank canvas, a piece of paper… the photographer begins with the finished product."
— Edward Steichen

Monday, March 12, 2012

I like the mood this image portrays.

Here is a comparison of two images.  I can't decide whether I should do this series in black and white or color.... any suggestions?

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Week 6 - Mother/Child Photoshoot


 Throughout the sequence of photos, I focused on displaying how a child depends on their mother while growing up, and how they go through experiences in life by learning from her.  I used the horse to show how the child was afraid at first, but once the mother helped her to feel comfortable, she was okay and was able to pet the horse.  This shows how children depend on their mothers/guardians to overcome fears and rely on them for comfort when they are young.

 Image taken during the Mother/Daughter shoot. 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

This week I edited pictures that I have already taken, and plan to take more soon continuing with my original theme of dependency. 

Weekend Picture Plan:

-Small child and mother
-Human and telephone pole
-Hamburger/processed meat and a cow/chicken
-Humans and the sun/air

Sunday, March 4, 2012

ADVICE PLEASE! Which one should I use comparing skiing and snow? (How skiing depends on snow)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

I like the depth of this picture and the space/figure of ground.  The foot directly relates to the steps (horizontally) and the leg directly relates to the trees (vertically).  I may use this image instead of the other foot image (below).
This displays the dependency plants and growing sprouts have on water. I like how the lighting in the right image is almost the same color of water, creating an even deeper/closer connection and dependency on water. 
We depend on the snow to ski.  I like how these pictures are so different, yet connect with the same color scheme. It shows the connection between something mobile and alive to something still and lifeless.

This displays how our feet depend on our shoes. I plan to possibly retake the shoe picture in similar "mysterious" lighting as the foot is in to create a connecting mood among both images.